Computer Vision Course

Laboratory Materials

The laboratory portion of the VisionTutor Course is interfaced into the KBVision System software environment. The KBVision System is a general-purpose software development environment for image understanding research and application engineering.

The laboratory experiments allow students to interactively explore the concepts of computer vision, image processing and image understanding, and gain a working knowledge of the algorithms presented in the lecture materials. The VisionTutor Laboratory Module (software) runs this system and is composed of a set of KBVision System software Tasks (computer programs), desktops (saved states), data, and environment.

The experiments described in the Laboratory Guide step the student through the software environment, thereby self-instucting the students in the use of the KBVision System. The experiements enable the student to explore the nature of computer vision algorithms by interaction with tasks and images, and looking at the results. In most cases the students have the option of also running the experiment on their own image data.

Sample Desktop and Image Examiner Output - Caution 96K GIF File
VisionTutor Index
Amerinex Applied Imaging, Incorporated
KBVision, KBView and VisionTutor are Trademarks of Amerinex A.I.
All VisionTutor Materials are Copyrighted